"These profiles really capture the feel of the actual amp and cabinets, and the highest compliment I can pay is that they take EQ very well, allowing them to actually work into a mix. None of the profiles have that cocked wah/ice pick sound that I hate so you can actually PLAY the amp expressively. Excellent profiles, Jim - thanks for letting me check them out!"
- Aristotle, Producer at innerlightrecords.net and Guitars for destrophy.com
"I've been playing on a Kemper for recording and live shows for 5 years. I've purchased profile packs from profiling greats like Reamp Zone and the like. I've always been pleased with the profiles I've purchased but thse new FAM Kemper Profiles are incredible! They sound very crisp and warm with none of the annoying high fizz that Kemper profiles can be notorious for. They are truly plug and play. I just released a full length album with my band, Rainchild, in January and used FAM profiles for 10 of the 11 tracks. Listen here for yourself! https://open.spotify.com/artist/0zBjiXkxjB9i1x5c6scIKS I highly recommend and can't wait for the next profiles to come out so I can make them a part of my collection!"
- Jason Degge, Guitar for Rainchild